Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Early Linux Software Release Opinions

I don't have a lot of time for this post because I'm on my lunch break but I had to throw this one out there. This comes from a conversation on Qt Forum that just boggled my mind. The conversation was in regards to the Monkey Studio 2.0 release that they just came out with and people are already complaining about bugs in starting the application. I have a few comments about this...

1. It would do the open-source community soooooo much good if even a small percentage of the open-source community would ask themselves one question before releasing to the public
"Is this product production quality?"
Unfortunately the answer to this question is usually no but people push their software out there anyways.

2. Another question I have is how in the world would anyone expect to market a product like Monkey Studio for Qt when the Eclipse IDE with the Qt4 plugin is everything and more that you could possibly want? I've been using it for several months now and with the latest Java I have no complaints. Even with jre6 update 6 the program was tolerable (the code completion was a bit slow). With jre6 update 10 the code completion is instantaneous on my system.

Ok, I gotta cut this short...ran out of time.


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