Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sourceforge Open Source Project

Well, I've been struggling with ideas for a project to work on because, quite frankly, I'm extremely bored with what I'm working on at work. There's something about the monotony of seeing EDI all day that really doesn't do much for me.

So anyway, a while back I submitted an idea for an open source trouble ticketing system written in none other than Qt4/C++. The idea is to have a distributed client application that is cross-platform and will connect back to a MySQL database. This idea actually came from work since we didn't have a ticket system at the time...and really the one we have now is pretty "hokey!" I'm just now getting into the design stages of this project again so maybe I'll post the MySQL table creation scripts and some of my other design ideas after I get a chance to work them over.

I also had another idea that I'm just going to put out there for anyone who might be reading this and is interested in learning more about Qt4 and C++. I'm going to post a learning challenge each time I make a post for the reader to look up and/or learn about online in his/her spare time. I believe it's extemely important to constantly learn about new technologies to stay sharp and ahead of the curve. So, without further delay...

Research Challenge #1
One of the most basic and fundamental objects in the Qt library is the QApplication object. Start off by reading the basic documentation for the QApplication object. Then challenge yourself to use at least 5 member functions in some sample code (asigned from QApplication::quit() and it's constructor!) to see what you can come up with. Some ideas might be using it to retrieve a complete list of widgets in the current application or experiementing with how the system handles keyboard input. Feel free to post comments and even code if you come up with something you didn't know before.

Happy Coding!


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